The estimated benefits of reducing lead exposure: cost-effective preventative care
A new cost-benefit analysis on the societal benefits of replacing lead service lines was published. What are the findings and what do we do about them? More
A new cost-benefit analysis on the societal benefits of replacing lead service lines was published. What are the findings and what do we do about them? More
Firearm violence is an ever-present concern, and Black Americans are disproportionately subjected to it. How does this impact the clinicians caring for victims, who must deal with the trauma and injustice daily? More
Can community empowerment solve persistent population health disparities that other strategies have failed to fix? More
Despite the fact that the US is the richest country in the world, it's also one of the least healthy. How many deaths could have been avoided if the US had a similar mortality rate as other wealthy countries? More
Can doctors "prescribe" social supports like financial assistance to improve health? More
The final report from the Lancet Commission on Public policy and health in the Trump era offers a bold policy agenda for the Biden administration to undo the damage caused to our nation's health. More
State budgets have been squeezed over the past decade due in large part to the rising cost of health care, and Covid-19 is only making it worse. What can we do about this problem? More
Why our market-driven health care system is failing against a new, fast-moving virus. More