


Primary Care Physicians in U.S. Struggle More to Coordinate Care and Communicate with Other Providers But Offer Patients More Health IT Tools

Fewer than half of U.S. primary care providers receive information from specialists about changes to their patients’ care plans or medications, compared with at least seven of 10 in Norway, France, and New Zealand. Overall, U.S. physicians are among the most likely to offer health IT tools to better communicate with patients, but problems of interoperability have led to challenges. More

The EMR has changed the doctor-patient duet into a ménage-à-trois

It’s not so much whether one EMR is better than another — they all have their breathtaking assets and their snarling annoyances. What is really becoming clear to me is the uncomfortable realization that there are actually three of us in the room now: the patient, me, and Epic. What started out as a tool — a database to store information more efficiently than the paper chart — has inserted itself as a member of the medical team. What used to be a tango between the doctor and patient is now a troika. More